
Dear Andrea,

I had every intention of at least starting this response on the plane returning home while the visit to Minnesota was still fresh in my mind, but alas it was not to be. I had no lap top to work with and writing on a pad was not practical on the drop down tray in front of me.
The concert of your music was a wonderful experience for me. The concert hall itself, the lighting, the excellent sound quality, the beautiful tones of the piano, all rank among the best concert halls I’ve had the pleasure to be in. Hearing your work and the subsequent movie viewing and talk the following day showed me your professional professorial side, and it instilled in me yet another layer of pride. Your calmness and apparent ease in answering questions from the audience after the video shorts gave me an indication of how you are in front of a classroom. They are qualities most suited to a professor, a real asset.

Your premier of Losses But Just showed me how profound ten simple words can be. How you can separate your hands and feet doing all those complex rhythms and at the same time sing the text deep in the moment is remarkable. It was a deeply moving experience that I tried to express to you later, but had to stop when blubbering was imminent.

Mom and I loved sharing time with you, Christine and the kids. The shows the boys put on were a hoot. They were really enjoying performing. It so reminded me of when you and Luigi put on those impromptu jamming sessions complete with costumes when you were young, not much older than Max and Miles are now.

I’m sending this to you now to post and I will get to work on a response to your last letter soon. I have a kernel of the direction I want to go in, but at his point the work being done in the house makes it difficult to spend the time. It seems that just doing mundane things at home are tiring when the central core of the house is not available to you. My parting words in this installment, You Rock!!!!

With much love and pride,


The Past Eight Years

